Bruce Rochester
Upstate Representative for the South Carolina EMS Association
Bruce Rochester, a Paramedic and Lieutenant for Laurens County EMS, has been appointed to the Board of the South Carolina EMS Association as the representative for the Upstate. This appointment is huge for the Upstate and we can’t think of a greater person in this position!
Bruce Rochester started in EMS 1995 and signed on with Laurens County as a field provider in 2019. He has since worked his way up through Field Training Officer and now, Lieutenant. When questioned about this appointment Lt. Rochester responded “I’m excited to have been asked to be a part of this tremendous organization. I’ve followed their work for years and have seen the impact it has had on EMS as a whole.” Lt. Rochester has many ideas moving forward and he “looks forward to continuing their mission by being an advocate and voice for EMS; not only on the state level, but the national level as well.”
Lt. Rochester will be representing all of the agencies in the Upstate and their views and Laurens County EMS is excited to help him succeed in his role. Director Kevin Uldrick stated “he is still active in the field and will do a great job representing not only the views of the command staff of agencies but also represent the field staff. We are excited to have heard the news of this appointment and look forward to seeing all of the work he can accomplish. Laurens County EMS is truly honored to have him as a provider in the county.”
The South Carolina EMS Association dedicates themselves to improving EMS through advocacy, collaboration, and education. They work diligently day in and out to assist the agencies of South Carolina in any of their needs.
Topics that the SCEMSA focus on:
Advocacy & Legislation
Data, Administration, & Compliance
Workforce Development
Education & Certification
Health, Safety, & Wellness
Finance & Reimbursement
Disaster Preparedness
SC EMS Honor Guard
SC EMS Memorial Bike Ride
For more information visit the SCEMSA website.